Type of projects we have worked on include:
- Breach of Contract Analyzed claims of lost profits regarding filling priority of landfills.
- Lost profits from real estate development due to alleged fraud by lender Analyzed cash flows and real estate investments to evaluate claims of lost profits.
- Patents for healthcare/cosmetic product Evaluated lost profits and reasonable royalty related to claimed infringement of patents for a healthcare/cosmetic product.
- Film copyright infringement Evaluated damages related to alleged infringing uses of copyrighted material from well-known film for advertising purposes.
- Lost individual earnings Evaluated lost earnings in a variety of industries in connection with claims of wrongful death, personal injury, and wrongful termination.
- Wage and Hour Quantified payroll issues such as lost meal breaks and uncompensated work.
- Banking Analyzed lost profits and lost value related to electronic check processing.
- Claimed damages from school development Analyzed claimed economic damages related to development of high school near downtown Los Angeles on site above depleted oil field.
- Class action compensation claims Analyzed variety of claims related to compensation of class of cellular telephone sales representatives.
- Court-appointed expert to evaluate compensation for subway construction Evaluated compensation for taking, including allocating incremental construction costs.
- Dairy industry cooperative Evaluated damages incurred by large cooperative due to breaches by one of its members. Analyzed effects on customers, prices, and sales volume.
- Financing and distribution of slate of films Quantified damages from fraud related to financing of dozens of films. Analyzed budgets, financing, and all sources of proceeds.
- Franchise restaurant income Analyzed claimed damages for a franchisee/franchisor dispute related to shared advertising and franchise territory.
- Fraudulent employment services Evaluated statistical methods used to estimate dollar amount of claimed fraudulent billing by government contractor.
- Fraudulent invoice charges Applied statistical methods to determine aggregate excessive charges on thousands of invoices based on examination of a sample of invoices.
- Oil pricing and supply Evaluated pricing of imported crude oil, relative to benchmark crudes. Analyzed ability of refiners to change input and output streams.
- Pharmaceutical patent/antitrust damages Evaluated claimed economic damages related to patents covering AZT-containing drugs used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS.
- Proceeds from TV programming Analyzed licensing fees and proceeds from successful prime-time TV programs in connection with claimed self-dealing within integrated studio.
- Real estate development alternatives Analyzed historical performance of low-income housing. Projected future performance as proposed mixed-use development.
- Restaurant chain lost profits Evaluated lost profits and lost earnings related to claimed breach of fiduciary duty and claimed wrongful termination.
- Trustee for Superfund site Serve as Trustee and provide financial and accounting services for Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs) at a major Western Superfund site.
- Lending Accounting Accounted for movement of money between parties and analyzed issues of usury.
- Trade Dress &ndhas; Analyzed damages stemming from alleged infringement of trade dress in the manufacture and sale of automobile tires.
- Self-Dealing Analyzed effects on investors of capitalization and reorganization of hospital consolidations.
- Food Contamination Analyzed harm to food distribution business caused by bacterial contamination.
- Inducement Analyzed misrepresentations in the sale of franchises and quantified damages for failure to perform under a franchise agreement.
- Accounting Compiled the sources and uses of money on a real estate development project and calculated projected and actual rates of return.
- Wage and Hour Drafted a declaration regarding class certification for alleged price fixing case.
- Franchise Quantified damages resulting from failure to renew quick service restaurant franchise.
- Failure to Permit Quantified damages resulting from the denial of a conditional use permit for a drug rehabilitation center.