George E. Miller

George Miller has over thirty-five years of experience analyzing financial, accounting, economic and other business issues primarily in litigation matters. His experience includes making declarations, writing expert reports (including Rule 26 reports), and assisting clients with mediation and other settlement negotiations. He has testified in federal court, state court and in arbitration.

Mr. Miller's expert testimony includes opining on appropriate damage methodologies as well presenting damage calculations to judges, juries and arbitrators. His experience includes analyzing lost profits, unjust enrichment/disgorgement, reasonable royalties, and lost earnings claims as well as performing valuations. He has analyzed contentions of uncompensated labor and meal and rest break issues. His engagements span numerous industries. He has assisted the tier of fact by documenting the sources and uses of funds and outlining the inter-connectedness of people, entities and transactions.


  • M.B.A., University of California, Los Angeles
  • B.A., Pomona College